Oct 16, 2012

Arlon Flea Market

Located in the southern region of Belgium, just across the border from Luxembourg is a small town Arlon...
From The K-town area it's only 2 hours. There is also a ton of great shopping on the road into this town from Luxembourg...

Here you will find a quaint market held the 1st Sunday of each month from March till November. 
Being held only on Sunday's that means there aren't any shops open.. 

The village is just adorable. The people were very friendly, and everyone spoke French.... There were many vendors from all over, even some German vendors. I think this is a GREAT market to visit in the summer as well.. When I arrived, it was 8am... vendors were still setting up... by 10:30 it was packed with shoppers. Everyone dressed in their Sunday best!

The Market is situated in the city center, down one little street after another. You can kind of get lost, if you aren't paying attention and doing to many turns.... So pick a landmark and make sure you visit all the streets. I would say that this time of year ( October) there it took me 1.5 hours to tour the entire market, at a rather quick pace and doing 2 walk throughs... It was pouring rain that weekend, and the rain let up that morning, but I wonder if that kept some vendors from coming?

This market did not sell junk, it was all unique, vintage, or antique... not your everyday household items....
Hardly any furniture... very small pieces if there were any ( chairs, end tables etc)...

To give you an idea on prices: I thought they were very good! Some things were priced high, but that's everywhere you go... This school desk, was in top condition - seated 2... it was $140 euros...

                                                           These were between 20 and 40 euros

                        This vendor here, had great prices! but any furniture was a bit on the high end... for example the small piece dead in the cener was $100 euros... the vanity on the right was $140 euros...

There was one antique shop right on the market platz. It was open during the market. This shop had alot of junk... it was not very organized, but there were some neat things in there. The only problem ( to me) was nothing was hardly priced... and no one was around, but shoppers... So I can' t tell you what most prices were on here, but definitely worth a visit! 

Here are some photos inside the shop: 

                                                                              Notable trunk- no tag...

                                                       I thought this was adorable... but no tag! =(

                                                                 This was 30 euros...

Back to the Market......................

                                        Look closely in the pictures below... what do you see?

These are awesome science specimens! See the snake in the jar? the star fish? The coral? The Clam?
                                     These were aprox 20-75 euros each... they were very very old.

This guy, had hardly anything left, by the time I got to him, this is what you see, and pretty much all he had left, He had a large van, but I have no idea what else he could have sold so fast? =)

                                               wooden rolling pins, all sizes aprox 7 euros, lots of funky wooden things.

                                    It was such a blessing the Sun came out that morning!

Also in the City center is an Oxfam store. This is a Salvation army type chain all over... They were not open, but they did set up a booth outside their shop... They also had alot of clothing for sale inside...

The Bakery's were open, and there was one or two other food vendors... lots of young kids selling Apple juice in bottles etc.... very quaint.

                               Take some time after the market to visit some of the beautiful buildings...

Thanks for visiting! I hope you have a chance to visit this market someday! 


Oct 11, 2012

What markets have you been to?..

Fellow Market Junkies!

I blog to share markets, stores, and special events that I know my friends would love! I started this blog for them. Mainly so I wouldn't have to keep sharing the same info as I make new friends (which happens a lot in the military).  I have since had many local's join the blog for all the fun! I make nothing, as you can see there aren't any advertisements, or promotions, or even give-away's, 44,000 distinct hits and my Facebook follower list is well up to 400 now... That's a lot of  Market Junkie fans!

 I get several emails a month asking about new markets, the obvious markets (Homburg, Metz, Tongeren) or people that don't want to take the time to view the blog I have created to find their own information. I am pretty sure I am the only out there with this much information on Markets and second hand shops all in one spot for the Kaiserslautern community.  =)

With that said, I would love it if you would take some time to post a photo on facebook and share what markets you have been to, what markets on my list you have visited, and your thoughts on them. Even post something you purchased at a market!  Things can change. Markets can change their styles, the types of vendors etc. These days snapping a photo is so easy with phones etc... I would really appreciate hearing where you have been. This not only helps me keep up with awesome new places to share, but it helps the whole local community!  I am only one person, I certainly can't travel ALL the markets in Europe =)...

Please take a moment and leave a comment or a photo post! Click on the facebook link on top!

Thank you so much!

The Market Junkie!

Sep 14, 2012

Homburg- Antik Store

How many of you have stumbled upon an antique/brocante shop when out and about?

Every once in a while, on our way to somewhere else we zip past a small sign in a window, or along the walkway with an arrow pointing in a direction, sometimes it's just a sign that says xx meters away, and we have to hunt for it. But nevertheless we come across them from time to time.
I love finding these special little shops.

Here is a little shop I stumbled on while at the Homburg flea market a few months ago....

I parked along the road one over from the Aldi parking lot... it's one of the shops that's got more junk than treasures, but you never know what you might find! The man was VERY friendly, and only spoke German. Things were not priced, but he was fair, and  willing to round the price down at the end.

I bought 4 little cups, it was the only thing I could find and I wanted to buy something because he was so nice. =) Coming from the market, it's on the right hand side!

Click on the picture to view up close.

Have you found any shops worth mentioning?

Here are some pictures taken at the Homburg Flea Market in case you haven't been and you are thinking of hitting it!

Americans love this market, and to me the market $$ reflects it. Some months are great for shopping, others are not. I have been a handful of times the past few years. I have been when it's total junk. Other times I have been everything was so overpriced I vowed never to return! The last time I bought lots of fun treasures! So it's a hit and miss! Find your favorite vendors and hit them first when you arrive.

Till Next Time! 

Apr 20, 2012

K-town Second hand shop

Last month, I found a second hand store while leaving Downtown Kaiserslautern. Many of you may already know of this little spot, and sometimes I am so busy looking outside the Town we live in, that I forget we might find little gems right where we are!

This second hand shop, does not boast antiques or vintage flea market stuff. It's more of a Salvation Army version second hand shop. It was VERY clean, Very organized, and the service was GREAT!

                      Excellent parking Lot. It's right of the main road. you can see it easily.

I was suprised to see alot of the furniture with sold tags.
                    Furniture prices were average, some above average. You will pay what it's worth..

Lots of dishes... all very very cheap. Lots of mix and match, some unique items can be found there!

 Tea Cups

A good place to take visiting guests to pick up those souvineer glassess really cheap!

There was a small section of German books, and clothing, and a teeny tiny dept for kids.

This piece above 100 euros.

There are a few other small clothing second hand shops in Ktown...

                            Have you been to any new shops? Send me a note and I can post it!

Happy Shopping!

Queen's Day Holland- Flea Market

Visit Holland Next week: Queen's Day known as Koninginnedag April 30th

It's a  nationwide Flea market!
On this day the entire country celebrates the birthday of the Queen.
As part of the mega birthday party each year, loads of folks bring their second hand goods to the city parks, and sidewalks.

This is the ONE day a year that folks can sell their stuff without paying Taxes
Visit the link HERE for Maastricht's Market ( I included this one, as it's closest to Germany at 2.5 hours drive)
Visit the link Here for  Amsterdam's Market (aprox 6 hour drive from K-town Germany)

Taken from the Travelsignposts website:

Vrijmarkt – Flea Market
A big feature of the Koninginnedag celebrations is the vrijmarktor “freemarket”. On this one day people all over the country are allowed to sell things in the streets without having to pay value added tax on their sales! People are allowed to set up stalls or have their goods on blankets in the parks or on sidewalks. It’s not just the car boot sales or flea market sales that are exempt from tax, commercial traders benefit from this one day of tax-free sales. Naturally, the amount of sales clocked up on this one day is huge.
* Please note the maps on the website for maastricht, and print in advance. It lists the location and also that of restrooms.
Be prepared for Road closures in the city..Check on parking ahead of time if possible.

 Plan on bringing backpacks, market carts etc... to carry your goods through crowds. =)

 Wear good walkin shoes, bring small Euros for easy purchasing.

And dont' forget to wear ORANGE~!