Sep 14, 2012

Homburg- Antik Store

How many of you have stumbled upon an antique/brocante shop when out and about?

Every once in a while, on our way to somewhere else we zip past a small sign in a window, or along the walkway with an arrow pointing in a direction, sometimes it's just a sign that says xx meters away, and we have to hunt for it. But nevertheless we come across them from time to time.
I love finding these special little shops.

Here is a little shop I stumbled on while at the Homburg flea market a few months ago....

I parked along the road one over from the Aldi parking lot... it's one of the shops that's got more junk than treasures, but you never know what you might find! The man was VERY friendly, and only spoke German. Things were not priced, but he was fair, and  willing to round the price down at the end.

I bought 4 little cups, it was the only thing I could find and I wanted to buy something because he was so nice. =) Coming from the market, it's on the right hand side!

Click on the picture to view up close.

Have you found any shops worth mentioning?

Here are some pictures taken at the Homburg Flea Market in case you haven't been and you are thinking of hitting it!

Americans love this market, and to me the market $$ reflects it. Some months are great for shopping, others are not. I have been a handful of times the past few years. I have been when it's total junk. Other times I have been everything was so overpriced I vowed never to return! The last time I bought lots of fun treasures! So it's a hit and miss! Find your favorite vendors and hit them first when you arrive.

Till Next Time! 

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