Oct 11, 2012

What markets have you been to?..

Fellow Market Junkies!

I blog to share markets, stores, and special events that I know my friends would love! I started this blog for them. Mainly so I wouldn't have to keep sharing the same info as I make new friends (which happens a lot in the military).  I have since had many local's join the blog for all the fun! I make nothing, as you can see there aren't any advertisements, or promotions, or even give-away's, 44,000 distinct hits and my Facebook follower list is well up to 400 now... That's a lot of  Market Junkie fans!

 I get several emails a month asking about new markets, the obvious markets (Homburg, Metz, Tongeren) or people that don't want to take the time to view the blog I have created to find their own information. I am pretty sure I am the only out there with this much information on Markets and second hand shops all in one spot for the Kaiserslautern community.  =)

With that said, I would love it if you would take some time to post a photo on facebook and share what markets you have been to, what markets on my list you have visited, and your thoughts on them. Even post something you purchased at a market!  Things can change. Markets can change their styles, the types of vendors etc. These days snapping a photo is so easy with phones etc... I would really appreciate hearing where you have been. This not only helps me keep up with awesome new places to share, but it helps the whole local community!  I am only one person, I certainly can't travel ALL the markets in Europe =)...

Please take a moment and leave a comment or a photo post! Click on the facebook link on top!

Thank you so much!

The Market Junkie!

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