Feb 27, 2014

Second hand shops in Europe

Have you ever wanted to know what's really in those second hand shops in and around France, Belgium and Germany? 

These second hand shops are packed with furniture of all kinds! Many little trinkets, and lots of dishware.  No clothes in these shops! 

Located all over Europe, these shops are easy to find and stop in during your travels. 

Most of the shops are consignment shops. Prices are average to high depending on the item. If an item has been in the shop a long time you can sometimes ask for a discount. But this is not a flea market style establishment. The prices are set by those consigning.

You never know what you will find! 

 Always look the piece over before you buy for damage, mold or worm holes.

Some of the shops offer delivery to the Ktown area. You can also purchase an item, pay for it, and come back in a week to pick it up.

The shop keepers have the keys to cabinets at the front.  You will have to ask them for the key if you want to look inside a piece. So if it's locked, head up to the front and ask. 

You can find a wonderful piece at an affordable price in these shops! 

Some antique pieces are priced at value. If you truly love the piece - GO for it!

If you are looking for lamps, or chandeliers, ask if they work. Sometimes they have it written down if it's been tested. I have purchased 2 before. One worked great- the other didn't. Sometimes it's a hit or miss. But the shop keepers will do their best to help you!

Go during the week when its less crowded. Some shops are open Sundays from 2-6pm.

Once in a while you find some cool signs like this- but not usually. This sign was 300 euros. But it was about 4ft tall. =)

So visit the left toolbar on the blog and check out some of the second hand shops! 

Have fun! 


  1. Its real inspiring to find second hand shops in Europe, well I would have been much delighted if I could find some great stuff like kitchen restaurant equipments like Hot Food Tables, Cup Saucer Dispensers, etc.

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