Feb 27, 2014

Paris Flea Market - Porte de Vanves

I visited the market in Paris that is just down south a bit. It's a lovely Market.  I decided to skip the large one (St. Ouen ) since it's SOOOO overpriced.  The prices here were pretty good! It's hard to buy stuff and take the metro unless you are prepared. You have to carry everything. =) But if you drive it's easy. I personally do not care for driving in Paris. It was February when I went, and cold. Dress warm! 

click here for more info: Marché aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves
Address: Avenue Georges Lafenestre and Avenue Marc Sangnier, 14th arrondissement 
Metro: Porte de Vanves (Line 13)
Tel: +33 (0) 6 88 64 82 77
Hours: Open: Every weekend all year long, 7am to 2pm. Entry is free.

                                                   There was a little bit of everything!

A friend of mine bought some Coco Channel Buttons, and some trinkets. I purchased some linen. Another friend purchased some vintage luggage.

It's always entertaining to visit these markets! Everyone has such a great time. Vendors spend the morning chatting, or playing cards with each other.

                                             Worth the visit if you are in Paris!

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