Mar 16, 2014

Spring Vintage : Easter Markets in Germany

Happy Spring!! 
Saturday, my family and I visited the Easter Market in Eberbach, Germany. 

It was amazing! 

Take a look at the unique vintage containers used to display eggs--

Old trays

Vintage chocolate molds

Antique egg baskets

Vintage wooden serving trays. I
 love the idea of filling them with grains.

Vintage Box with leather straps

                                                      Vintage tin chocolate egg mold's

Old garden planting trays with moss bedding

                                                                   Variety of baskets

Birds nest style basket

                                                           Vintage Christmas ornament boxes

Tea light candle holder

Unique eggs on mini cake plates and candle holders.

I loved that you could purchase your own different size eggs to decorate!

Our family split up at the beginning.  It was so crowded that it worked best for us to team up.My daughter and I stopped at this one booth and the lady showed us the step by step process to the Batik method. Here is a photo below of the 8 step process:

We had the hardest time narrowing down which egg to purchase. I really wanted to buy the red one you see in the middle with the two hearts. But my daughter really wanted me to buy a different one. After several minutes, we finally decided on one with 2 small bunnies. 

Little did I know that minutes before I even saw it, my husband had purchased that VERY SAME egg. I had no idea he purchased an egg for me. When we all met up to head home, my son noticed that my box was the same as the box my husband got me. When I wasn't looking they switched out the boxes.  My husband asked me to take a look at my egg and see if the stand he bought fit it. When I opened my box (thinking it was the one of the bunnies I purchased) it was the egg with the HEARTS! 
Of ALL the eggs at this entire market- how is it that he purchased the one egg I had wanted? 

He knows me so well..... Love! 

There is a poem on the back of each of the eggs this artist designs. I just can't remember what this one says! =) 

So glad I took these photos so I can remember exactly where my "love" egg came from! 

As you set out your Spring  decor, think about the unique ways you can use your flea market finds to display your eggs! 

I have a set of wooden, hand painted eggs in my dough bowl on the kitchen island. 

I love using natural elements in decorating. It's cheap, and it's easy to find. 
 What unique items do you use for seasonal decor?