Oct 6, 2011

On The Road To Tongeren........

In my last post I shared about the Tongeren flea market.  And today my post is a little tip from me to you!
If you have a day to spend up north before the market I suggest taking the back road into Tongeren from Maastricht. (N79)  Maastrichtersteenweg turns into tongersesteenweg.

On this road (lasting about 16 kilos)  you will find several little antique shops hidden along the way!

But, First make sure  you stop and visit the Flea market in Maastricht held every Saturday from 10-4:00pm located at the stationstraat ( railway station) in a suburb called Wyck.  It was small, but NO junk here! You would probably spend about 1 hour or less here... just a quick stop!
Prices were very reasonable.

One of the first stores on this stretch into Tongeren on your left is Diana Antiek.
Below is an image of this shop. It is small. But reasonable. Her husband also makes custom furniture in the back of his shop. They speak english.

In no particular order I am going to share the other stores on this long road into Tongeren.
On your right you will see this sign...  This shop is Antik Groothandel.

 Pull in, it's a HUGE warehouse with furniture.  As you can see there are many differant styles. There weren't any prices on anything. However... SEVERAL items were marked sold... So I am thinking his prices are pretty good.

Next Stop (again in no particular order)
L' antique & Design
This is another small shop packed to the gills. We were there during their lunch time, and no one was intersted in coming out to give us prices. A few things were tagged. But best to go early or after lunch if you want assistance.  =)

                                                                        Inside the shop


This shop used to be a second hand store. When I went earlier this summer it has become more of an antique Shop.  2 floors. Worth a stop. Prices were moderate to high.  I didn't get a photo of the inside...

Now, as you are going down the road... on your right you will see a large brick building. If you are driving to fast you will miss it.  There is an antik sign usually sitting on the main  road. I normally wouldn't post about this store as it's VERY expensive... BUT it is worth a stop to admire the lady's style of who owns this shop.  =)
She is a wonderful lady who also speaks english. She also a clothing boutique next door.

Easy to park ...just follow this sign into her shop.

looks like a magazine doesn't it? =0)

We had the chance to stay at a charming hotel right on THIS ROAD!
Malpurtus to view their hotel directly  click here

Very clean, Excellent breakfast buffet included... I think we paid 100 euros for the night. They are slowly remodeling their hotel rooms. So when you check in ask if they have a remodeled room available. =)

If you go up on a Saturday and spend the day shopping these places... and then early the next morning hit Tongeren flea market you will have a wonderful time.

But in case you want to visit MORE shops...

Here are a few shops IN TONGEREN to check out!
( I am not sure on this, but all stores in tongeren are open the first sunday of the month during the market) otherwise you will have to visit on Saturday.. if you know this to be a fact please leave a comment for me)

Many shops are open every sunday... not all. But along the market you will find several open...

These next few shops are all on the main road to the left of the old city walls. They are almost all next to each other....

This shop is not an antik store, But the young owner has GREAT decor ideas. She speaks excellent english and her prices are moderate.

Here are a few other shops in an around the Market area:

this one was on the main road...
                                                           This was in the market platz
                  There is a little tiny walk way follow this sign for some cool little shops.

This is also near the main market platz. All hand painted furniture by the owner himself. Not necessary antik... but cute stuff! Prices were moderate to expensive.

Remember hardly anyone accepts credit cards... So bring cash. =)

I hope this helps you find those special one of a kind pieces for a great price on your European shopping experience!

Be sure to view the flea market lists in Belgium and the Netherlands on the left of the  blog.

Have a Great day,

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