Aug 10, 2010

Shopping in France - Retail Style....ON SALE

 I know it's been a while since the latest market listing... Bu I am a full time mama, homeschooling, and holding down the homefront while my soldier is deployed for a long time.... =)
This post while not on a flea market, does deserve it's own becuase it's the end of the year Sale in France! So take a look, just 30 min across the border to some GREAT stores! I realize that my post is mostly on girls clothes... oops. I originally took these pics for my friend Kim, and then told my friend Jessica about it,  and thought well it's better to make a little post on these fun places so everyone can take a sneek peak before heading out.  Here are 3 of my favorite stores all in one area......

How do I Get there????? 3rd Exit pass the France border.... Forbach... if you pass Cora on the autobahn, you have gone to far. =) These stores are all located within a short distance from each other
Fabio Lucci... open from 10-12 then 2-?? i think 7 this store has clothes, housewares, you name it! cute little spot!  this store you can see from the autobahn exit right in front of you... up and around the round about... be on the lookout- no address. sorry...
I forgot take pics of the rest of teh store. they have clothes for the whole family... too.

look at these cute jammies below....

then head over to kiabi.... new location since last year i think.... i love this store. Reminds me of a cheaper GAP.... very french style... End of the season has great stuff, but gets picked over fast...  (like my cool in the car photo?)
Okay, once you get off the autobahn, just stay straight.. it's next to Brico Depot (home depot type store)  you should be able to see it ......


Don't EVER buy anyone baby shower gifts unless it's from here! the most adorable baby clothes!

super toasty.. almost bought this for my little one..

10 euro skirts

6 euro shirts

12 euro long sweater

7 euro shirts

12 euro dress .. LOVE this one


then when you are done at Kiabi, head back to the round about, and towards Cora on the main drag... you will find La Foir Fouille , this is a store that has a little of everything for your home. no clothes.

great organzing stuff

craft sections

see the cute fabric lined baskets on top. very reasonable!

Giant faux flower dept...

wedding favor- make your own section.

And for baby showers.

here are there hours... clsed for lunch

So have the hubby watch the kids, grab a girlfriend and head out to explore!
there is a little resurant across the street from the store above, or head over to CORA for some more shopping and a bite to eat! Beware... you could be there ALL day!! =)


  1. So are you going to go to the fabric market on the 14th? I'm brand new to the Wiesbaden area (2 days in country). I want to make some drapes for the new apartment. That might be a good excuse to get the hubby to take me. Any tips?

  2. karen,

    hi! yes... i am going...

    this one in ludwigshafen is in a parking lot type thing... there aren't any bathrooms and they sell brats for lunch, so bring your own lunch if you come early, if you don't like those...

    bring cash only. a large shopping bag... not everyone has bags for your purchases... if you bring a stroller note that it does get crowded in the isles, so just plan on that.

    and have fUN! i love it!

    did you get a chance to see the orignal post i made on the fabric market to give you an idea of what to expect?

    how did you find my blog after being in europe just a few days? that's awesome you just arrived and are ready to head out!!! it takes some gals years to do that! =)

    God Bless,


  3. I think that I typed wiesbaden fabric in google and found your posting about the weisbaden fabric market on the first page. I really wanted to go tomorrow, but the hubby wants to see the Rhine in flames thing. Its okay, there is another one in September up in Frankfurt. That could be a good one to go to since my hubby could go and hit the big PX with the kids and I could shop alone; plus, it gives me more time to learn enough German to ask for prices. It's sad to think that so many spouse don't get out while they're here. I find that the best way to learn stuff is to just dive-in (drives my husband nuts :)

    I'd love to email you and get the skinny on Germany living and marketing.

  4. dudette - I have no idea how I missed this post! Awesome and I soooooooooo wish I could be there to play and shop! Hope to see you in March!!!

  5. Tres chic!! So do they have these sales every August in France?? I will have to be on the lookout this coming August!! How FUN!


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