Apr 19, 2010

Local Markets - Opel Exit Floh Markt

Driving around the K-town area you may have seen this sign around every few weekends.... Well this past weekend, I decided to stop by and check out the OPEL exit flea market.

Follow the signs... and it takes you about 5 minutes to teh back side of the Opel car company parking lot... to my surpise it was quite large!
Several isles of locals selling their wares. There were very FEW vendors... this is just one isle! even moving at a rather quick rate, it still took a good hour to walk through ( I was there at the end of the day).. bring euros and extra saks! They had more everday items than antique's... but there were still some vintage wares mixed in.. lots of clothing items, linens, toys, and household items.

Most everyone spoke english. but the prices seemed to be a bit high at alot of the tables. (nothing is ever marked) But with a little bargaining... you should be able to come home with some great treasures~! It's definatly worth a visit.

My shopping buddy scored pretty good today! a new dolly stroller, a little crown ( free) a bag of play food, and a stuffed animal. =)

Located at:
67663 Kaiserslautern, Innenstadt
Location: Opel Parkplatz Portal 1
from 8:00 - 4:00
Next one Saturday April 24th!!!

Check in for photos and info at the Ramstein Floh Market held weekly in Ramstein village, the Auto Kino floh market and more in the K-town area!

Apr 8, 2010

Homburg Flea Market

Check out the Homburg Flea market Held 1st Saturday of the month! One of the larger markets in the area, you will find a mix of everything! Just 30 min away...

WHEN: 1st Sat of Month
TIME: 0800-1300
WHERE: Rathaus Am Forum 6 Homburg
Just up the A6

It's very easy to find!! It can be chilly early in the morning, so be prepared and dress layers! Parking is all around... there are designated spots for parking as well. Look for the signs.
There is your typical food/drink set up around the market.

***Bring Small Euro bills and change
***A Sak to carry your finds
*** an unbrella! ( it's Germany.. you never know when it's gonna rain!)
*** Snack/bottle water
*** notepad/pen to discuss pricing with vendor's who don't speak english ...This saves alot of guessing and misunderstandings if you don't have your dollar amounts memorized =) Also if you buy large furniture, you can sometimes work it out to have it delivered for a fee... this is also great to write your address down in a pinch!

Shop around though... this market is big with "Americans" and the locals/dealers know it.. Dont' be afraid to haggle! =)

Vendors tend to pack up at noon.. so be there early!

Still want to shop for MORE bargains? Head to the Neunkirchen Second hand store
15 min away...

Wellesweilerstrasse 90
66538 Neunkirchen, Germany
06821 9649760

Have Fun!

Send a comment of your favorite find! I would love to know what you found!
