Mar 30, 2010

Fabric Market #3

There was alot of new summer fabrics, and notions and a few German craft books that caught my eye... This one was my favorite! you can read more about it here : SommerFrische. Everything in there was so stinking cute!!

Here were some of my favorite's this weekend ......

Oilily...( i bought the one above.. they sold out compelely within 3 hours... )

Oilily 9 euros meter...
this one below as 6 euros a meter... so cute!

I almost bought this for curtains....

Adorable pillow on display with TILDA fabrics

We ate lunch just down the block from the Marketplatz. Cafe Maldaner ; open since 1859  It was dreamy and perfect! A MUST visit while in this town!

If you are ever in Wiesbaden check out this Craft store- Listmann. 2 floors!
here are their hours and info

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Do you have the dates for the farbic market in Manhiem?


Thanks for stopping by!