Oct 7, 2009

Fabric Market (Stoff Markt Holland) Traveling Market

Tired of seaching for fabric online, only to wait weeks for it to arrive?

Can't Find that fantastic pattern you need to complete your project?


Over 140 Vendors from all over Europe showcasing their fabrics in this great outdoor market!

Holland, Denmark, Germany, Japan.....

For more information please see info at the bottom of this page!

See photos for more details on what to expect!

Trim! Trim! Trim! Ribbons galore!

Georgous Wool fabric (this was only 12 pm)




                                               THIS WHOLE BOOTH IS CORDUROY!!!

Over 130 Vendors from all over Europe! Holland, Denmark, Japan, Germany...

Quilt fabrics, Batik, Wool, shabby chic, childrens, fleece, designer, dress, silks, lace, decorator fabric... you name it's ALL there!
Buttons, patches, zippers, threads..... Everything YOU NEED for your sewing projects!

Average Fabric Prices range from 2 EUROS to 64 EUROS...
You can purchase these fabrics in 30cm cuts , half meter cuts and of course higher. Some vendors will even let you have smaller sizes cut for smaller projects.

1. Euros only accepted at the market, and some do accept the european debit cards, but it's best to bring Euros.
2. Please bring extra $$ for lunch, drinks etc... you are welcome to bring your own sack lunch. coffee mugs etc.... ! gives more time to shop!
3. Shopping Sak- to hold your goods in. most have bags to give you if you need them...
4. GOOD walking Shoes!!!
5. Dress warm in layers, as it's getting cold in the mornings and this is OUTDOORS.
Sign up By October 15th. Seats are limited.
6. Bring your measurments that you need for your projects in Meters/Centimeters this will make figuring you purchase out much easier and faster.


  1. I'm so glad I booked this trip - awesome fabric, awesome fun! I will totally recommend you to my other Army wives who missed out on this one! Please keep everyone posted on your upcoming trips to Metz, Nancy and PARIS!!! thanks again!

  2. Hello---

    I just recently found your website. I am a sewer/quilter, etc and always looking for places to buy fabric and material. I live near Bitburg. Any suggestions for fabric markets in this area?

    Thank you

  3. Hello
    I will like to know when are you people coming back to ludwigshafen again or can I have your website


Thanks for stopping by!